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The End of a Chapter

We said goodbye to Canyon View today. Canyon View has been Gabe's school for the last two years. Once upon a time I posted a post about how we suspected Gabe was autistic and now here we are two years and a couple of months later getting ready to send him off to kindergarten. I have tears pooling in my eyes right now as I look back at where we started and the amazing progress he has made. Facebook notified me about a memory from last year at the end of May when I celebrated him saying "mom" clearly for the first time. He's speaking in full paragraphs now (if he has something he wants to share). He is toilet trained. He is so incredibly smart. I have tried to express my gratitude for the teachers that have been on this road with us. Much of the progress he has made is because of your efforts and I am so grateful to you for being his other moms and a support to me. We will continue to have meltdowns, hard times and struggles, but we have an amazing foundation of love an
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Call JuNette, she has the key

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